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Wish list

# Id Name Wish Rating
1 86 Pieter Streamline the interface - get rid of separators & empty space, use buttons instead! (Call Dialpad Contacts) 13266 plus
2 124 Vince Option to load LDAP contacts 9240 plus
3 449 George Server Certificate Validation when using TLS 5128 plus
4 37 tester Hotkeys, for example: "M" to mute microphone, "S" to mute speaker, "Up Arrow" to increase the volume... etc. 4922 plus
5 66 Sega MS Outlook Address Book integration to the Contacts. 4054 plus
6 141 Knut Multiple sip accounts (at least 2) and the possibility to specify for each contact which sip account should be used 3811 plus
7 245 Torsten Command switch to explicitly start video call to a given number. (e.g. "microsip.exe number /video") 3796 plus
8 36 tester a few functions like: redial, conference, do not disturb, call waiting, forwarding... etc. 3732 plus
9 60 Anon Add IPv6 support 3636 plus
10 76 Max Video resolution setting. 3430 plus
11 288 Roman Multiple SIP accounts active in parallel 3426 plus
12 38 Jörg Add webRTC echo canceller like csipsimple did: http://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/source/detail?r=995 3348 plus
13 39 Netouch Simple API, or remote control API to integrate in existing infrastructure. Maybe listening TCP port, and receive commands, like call xxxxxxxxxxxxx, endcall, e.t.c. 3224 plus
14 162 Nikola Possibility to switch among NICs if several physical ethernet interfaces are presented in the system 2941 plus
15 291 el_es 2. Linux version for GTK or Qt desktop ... 2870 plus
16 12 User Dial and caller ID quick log viewer 2826 plus
17 33 tester buttons to activate/deactivate Echo Cancellation, Noise Reduction and A.G.C. 2651 plus
18 77 Max Fullscreen mode for video window (with upscalling). 2640 plus
19 94 RE: grommir record calls as SPX which can be played with VLC which is used by everyone. We use SPEEX to optimize VoIP calls so why not for recording as well?! see the difference in size with same speech quality hackerpublicradio.org/syndication.php 2586 plus
20 150 Chris F Date format in 'Calls' tab is back-to-front. Should be picked up from Windows regional settings, or if that not possible should be configurable. 2558 plus
21 48 retset option to pause sending video stream and even completely stops it without call ends (start/stop/pause video during a call) 2464 plus
22 45 tester support for traffic prioritization, allow QoS signaling, by TOS value, DSCP, service type... 2400 plus
23 43 tester Desktop Sharing 2358 plus
24 74 Earl Would like to see a sister program: MicroXMPP for Jabber protocol. Should include ZRTP with SASL confirmation similar to JITSI. 2297 plus
25 126 StanleyV Adding command line for the name and location of the configuration file "microsip.ini". Example 1: MicroSIP.exe /i:microsip402.ini. Example 2: MicroSIP.exe /i:folder402\microsip.ini. MicroSIP I use for testing multiple SIP accounts and is fantastic! 2290 plus
26 53 Beat We. Option to define a default outside line prefix (e.g. 0) to get an outside line, which is added automatically to all entered numbers > len(x) where x in our case would be 5 digits 2279 plus
27 47 retset option to hot-swap video source without cut the call 2263 plus
28 59 Anon Add NAT-PMP or UPnP support as STUN sometimes doesn't work well. 2254 plus
29 42 tester sending and receiving files of unlimited size 2248 plus
30 50 retset allow asimetrical bandwidth & video communication e.g. sending h264 and receiving h263, add option to completely disable sending a specific video compression (only at sending, not on receiving) 2236 plus
31 119 Pieter 'Blacklisting' numbers for inbound calls - straight to voicemail 2236 plus
32 224 Vasily A way to transfer calls. Blind transfer is very old fashioned and not very useful these days. More friendly interface. 2236 plus
33 29 Supporter Merging Dialpad/ Contacts buttons into one. The label shown would be for the inactive selection. 2232 plus
34 105 Brett Allow null audio device to be set for pjsip (-99). Useful if PC does not have a microphone plugged in and you just need audio output for PA applications. 2190 plus
35 95 Sam If you have 2 or more calls, switch to conference with all callers. 2185 plus
36 101 carlos "Push to Talk" aka "Press To Transmit", very useful on multi-party conferences (microphone permanently muted is only enabled while pressing a key: usually "Ctrl") the only method 100% effective to avoid echoes and other unwanted noises 2175 plus
37 55 Beat We. Contacts: Option to define Groups 2163 plus
38 46 Machi Play sound when instant message receive and if message window not on top. Show message window on task bar. I never know if anybody send me a message if i have open another program. tnx 2150 plus
39 65 Keyvan Tardast great little devil ^_^ please keep GUI simple. and few steps away from perfect *** 1- auto hangup (and perhaps auto close the call window)(and you can move this window in 3rd tab of main window) *** 2- PC speakers ring (good for ppl away from PC)*** 3- 2146 plus
40 20 Mark area to change status message 2144 plus
41 84 cAroed group calls 2109 plus
42 73 Stu E Add an automatic reconnect option for calls that drop for some reason. 2102 plus
43 49 retset option to view local or remote video during a call (or picture in picture with local video of small size on a corner) 2098 plus
44 123 Vince Any kind of message when you've missed a call (i.e. a flashing icon or something). 2097 plus
45 180 Ryan Be able to auto answer only specific extensions, so that intercom functionality is available without auto-answering outside calls 2079 plus
46 64 asioboy asio4microsip please read ! http://pastebin.com/mSi5R5wA 2075 plus
47 57 Julian Unregister from SIP server/Away/Redirect to voicemail when Windows screen saver is on or lock screen has been activated. 2072 plus
48 106 amix Use Windows contacts. Should solve importing from Google, etc., too, since it can act as a bridge. 2057 plus
49 102 Dominic Great project, thanks so much! But would love distinctive ringing please! So you can have different ringtones for different contacts. 2054 plus
50 99 Roman Add option for developers: print pure sip incoming/outgoing sip messages to message window during call. 2049 plus
51 90 whisher Please add hotkey from all MicroSIP windows (messages, local video, remote video....etc. ) by pressing "ESC" at keyboard: calls must end 2046 plus
52 96 lol please make it possible to passthrough call data to a commodore c64 so finally i can log my calls. :) 2013 plus
53 61 Paul O Default audio hardware selection mode to choose Windows Default Communication Devices over Default playback/recording devices. http://tinyurl.com/7lcucuq 1995 plus
54 129 Khoa Pham Support ICE and TURN 1983 plus
55 80 Sushil Support of Require:100rel in 180 message (fully provisional acknowledgment support) 1972 plus
56 92 whisher please, add minimize button on messages window, please remove close button from it, when I want to get away from the midst that annoying window for me, communication is cut off 1970 plus
57 97 choices please add option to set framerate for sending video, 10fps,15fps or 18fps is enough, and it saves bandwidth, very useful for slow internet lines like mine, setting video frame size is also desirable 1949 plus
58 138 MIT Hide Phone Number When Making a Call 1948 plus
59 79 Alain Support of picking up another ringing extension. e.g.: by sending *8# 1945 plus
60 111 Axel Send DTMF with command line parameter. We need this to control Sipgate Team a web-based voip solution. 1942 plus
61 127 Mochammad Effendi I need group contact, like Family, Fren, Work etc. Thanks ME 1940 plus
62 195 Steven Option to allow DTMF tones to last for a certain length of time, useful for navigating options/menus when call quality is low. Optionally tie tone length to press and release of keys/mouse. 1940 plus
63 139 Jose Ability to select contacts from a dropdown menu or similar from call transfer dialog. 1935 plus
64 58 zsll2 Option to disable focus stealing of action (IM) window when auto answer is on. 1932 plus
65 167 Marce Cz Enable "Skins" option for MicroSIP to change the layout. 1908 plus
66 172 frank do not disturb DND feature support 1907 plus
67 82 RE: tester RE: sending and receiving files of unlimited size (generate a .torrent and use the generated file with a regular bit-torrent client, using a tracker or the DHT method) 1886 plus
68 193 Xsmael Run an executable on incomming call, and pass arguments to it(id,name,phone number...). You can also improve it by adding "events" managment, i mean, describe some events and let the user chose a program to launch whenever this event occurs, again some pa 1886 plus
69 169 Christian Add some version information (possible locations: bottom of the settings page or maybe add a separate about dialog) 1878 plus
70 131 tim Add audio codec G723.1 1857 plus
71 125 Khoa Pham Conference call 1854 plus
72 122 Shaun Snap windows for resize and positioning (to themselves and edge of screen). 1852 plus
73 205 Joop Add a column "Contact" to the calls list. This shows the name from the contacts list if it is found. 1852 plus
74 112 Jared Savage Alternative ringer if already in a call (silent?) 1850 plus
75 130 tim Add G723.1 1843 plus
76 196 Pedja Is it possible to have some kind of password when MicroSIP is set to autoanswer mode? I would like to be able to limit calls to autoanswer MicroSIP ony to few known people. 1832 plus
77 161 vxed Option for disable history of calls 1830 plus
78 201 Bars Automatic detection and switching audio when connecting a Bluetooth headset, the other headset, and the same - to the first in the list of audio devices when you disconnect. List of priority of audio devices to use depending on their avaliability. 1816 plus
79 136 Lucasinc Command switches to pick-up incoming call 1815 plus
80 149 Pero under account settings, additional parameter for setting re-register time in seconds (default=300s). 1814 plus
81 117 Giuseppe Flag to remove ringtone 1812 plus
82 103 Druify Improved screenreader accessibility: Edit boxes assigned to correct labels in Account dialog; Apart from suggested hotkeys, possibility to reach any object with tab/shift tab for dialog elements and ctrl+tab/ctrl+shift+tab for switching tab controls. 1806 plus
83 184 frank support BLF (MIME type dialog-info accordingly to RFC 4235),A patch had made by Максим Кондратенко to pjsip. 1806 plus
84 202 Toha Save contact from the number in call list 1803 plus
85 185 Riaan Olivier Possibility to register against a specific VLAN ID and QoS number. require softphone to be given its own IP address 1792 plus
86 174 Pierre Put Option to show or not Incomming call Window. With cmdIncommingCall give caller Name plz 1789 plus
87 144 anon Close to tray. I have reverted back to 3.3.14 because it's too easy to exit the phone now. Minimize button is nice but why change the close button behavior? 1788 plus
88 133 Michal P Make Windows 8 Modern UI version (and make simple like current version), dont make it for free, be the first in the store and be rich my dear developer! (your first customer) 1756 plus
89 186 Robo Notify missed calls, change tray icon when have missed call, flash icon or display number of missed calls (like PopTray). 1748 plus
90 254 Ray Set RTP port please. 1737 plus
91 152 salaros Add the possibility to prepend prefix to ANY number before actually calling it. In my case it's '0'. i.e. 800900800 => 0800900800 P.S. with the exception of "internal" numbers (other PBX users on the network), maybe via an exception list. 1734 plus
92 216 mv Playback of remote DTMF tones during call. (These are often used as confirmation to IVR actions and so on) 1732 plus
93 217 darkgerion Archiving messages (file) 1725 plus
94 271 Guy implement RCC (Remote Call control) features for use with eg bluetooth connected Jabra headsets 1720 plus
95 229 jason complete contact URI in 200ok,It is now sip:ip:port, should be sip:user:ip:port. 1719 plus
96 135 rus7 Please, make option "auto answer" as follows: auto answer after N calls. 1718 plus
97 156 Mit I Would like to have Media Encryption with RC4 or other Types. 1716 plus
98 208 Bob Can you include Opus codec for high quality stereo transmission? 1711 plus
99 191 DSJ Please create Metro app in Windows 8 (arm surface). See the design of csipsimple tablet version. 1710 plus
100 220 zth support for snapshot of remote in a call,and save it as .jpg 1710 plus
101 262 Adrian Can't see any option after installation to make microsip start automatically when windows starts. 1710 plus
102 171 Mario Can be useful to have an AnswerMachine that auto answer and play a wave file at the phone caller, for example a welcome message with informations and after the message caller can record a message. Thank you for this stable and well done software! 1706 plus
103 175 booBot ZRTP (RFC 6189) support for call encryption. 1700 plus
104 211 Werner Ability to past numbers with dashes and parentheses. I tried to paste a number like 06-12345678, but nothing happened. Until I removed the dash and tried to copy-paste again. Please add a filter to remove all non numeric characters (except +) when pasting 1696 plus
105 233 Refrain VP8 or VP9 video codec. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VP9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VP8 1678 plus
106 223 Cat Recognize the header 'Reason: SIP ;cause=200 ;text="Call completed elsewhere"'. When a call to MicroSip is canceled because the call is answered by an other client we still get a "call aborted" status in MicroSips call list. Asterisk and others send it. 1669 plus
107 232 Evgeny Please add RTCP-XR support 1666 plus
108 158 Bobby Highwe bitrate codecs like FLAC or OGG for high quality audio between two softphones. Reason: Radio station remotes. 1656 plus
109 147 Youri Please, add G726 codec. It is in PJSIP lib/plugins section. If you need in reference implementation here is the source codes: http://www.codeforge.com/dlpre/8930/45d6badd00df.rar__.html 1655 plus
110 295 Bago Lookup incoming phone number on tellows and/or phone number to name lookup services (or maybe the excerpt of the first result of a google search for that number). 1653 plus
111 221 tommy support for snapshot to jpg 1650 plus
112 227 cbm ZRTP please 1633 plus
113 203 Stefano Bluetooth management. Actually if connected a BT headset, the audio channel rimains active or you have to manage it manually. It could be useful to activate it only when needed (as Bluesoleil BT stack does). 1620 plus
114 206 Yuz Miss Call notification in system tray. 1620 plus
115 240 Bill How to Disable Contacts tab or the messaging functionality. 1612 plus
116 269 Francisco Option to import and export contacts. 1610 plus
117 253 Gloria At least for me is almost perfect. You could add a call recorder and maybe an option for put a custom on-hold music xd. tx 1607 plus
118 170 Christian Update call log from address book: If you add a number from the call log to the address book, replace all entries of that number by the address book entry (number -> name) 1589 plus
119 214 Guillaume There should be a very visible "you have voicemail" indicator. 1587 plus
120 183 frank dynamic switch from different input devices when in video call session. e.g from color bar to usb camera or vice versa . 1578 plus
121 274 roman from yandex.ru We use Microsip as contanct center agent softphone. ~ 3000 agent. 3rd party call coltrol has been done in microsip, but it is not standar metod. Need bria metod to automatic answer call from SIP server, it is standart de facto. 1575 plus
122 200 Andrei record calls NOT as mp3, but AS IS, encoded with used codec (gsm, Speex etc.) 1574 plus
123 268 Francisco Button to access camera settings. 1565 plus
124 282 Alex Allow option to prevent the main window from popping up when calls are received. The window should remain unseen the entire session. 1561 plus
125 287 Ken Better handling of “speaker” and “microphone” devices to automatically use Bluetooth headset when connected and speakers when not connected. 1544 plus
126 265 Hassan The ability to customize the packetization time (ptime), e.g. 10ms, 20ms, 30ms. 1542 plus
127 312 Simon The incoming call pop-up window to be 'always on top' like the main application window can be. At current it gets lost behind my active window. :( 1541 plus
128 273 Matt Welborn Allow clickable URLs in SIP Messaging. I'd like to be able to send links via SIP Messaging to the call window and have them clickable and open in the default browser. 1534 plus
129 173 frank MWI voice mail feature support.and maybe video mail in the feature. 1527 plus
130 272 Johen Option to start multiple MicroSIP instances for testing some features across SIP-server. 1524 plus
131 247 Andreas M. Use the Windows Contacts (or equivalent) API for addressbook. Autocomplete names or numbers from there. 1514 plus
132 305 Yann Loud speaker button : a button that will output the sound to the "ringing device". This way you can put your converstaion on loud speaker (when waiting for a person to asnwer or doing a conf call with others in the room). Please ad it in the "Tab view of 1510 plus
133 237 Refrain Settings:start the program minimized to tray. 1507 plus
134 279 tester 2 essentials missing features to have is an automatic audio recording or a toggle button to start record in a call. Also I would like to have a little sound wave bar display on the Dialpad for the Microphone and Sound so I can see and know the audio is ac 1507 plus
135 313 alvin martin notice in icon tray when a chat came in or a call you missed. Like maybe a color change from blue to green or red. 1495 plus
136 215 Carlo optional "incoming call window in center of screen" 1494 plus
137 292 el_es 3. Have the wish entry window count characters remaining ;) 1493 plus
138 294 Carlos Add option to "Register every X segonds" in account properties 1491 plus
139 285 Alex Ability to register multiple accounts concurrently for use with platforms such as Vicidial which may be composed of multiple asterisk servers. 1488 plus
140 239 Vlad CallerID copy in clipboard. 1486 plus
141 284 Yann Colours :) - GREEN = Answer & Call - RED = Decline (Eventually icons for the same buttons) 1485 plus
142 270 Francisco Option to make conferences like eyebean with or without video. 1483 plus
143 277 loukas DND option 1483 plus
144 219 R Is it possible to specify the directory XML MicroSIP disable checkbox "Presence subscription" for each contact? 1480 plus
145 259 Travis Already been said, but recording calls into audio file. Any audio file that is not too large file size. Contact me on my email, I will be willing to offer you money for your time to implement this. 1479 plus
146 244 Alex Please make it possible to visualize missed calls. (Windows 7) 1474 plus
147 340 Tim open a URL when there is an incoming call. Example www.example.com/contact.ph?number=31523234 1472 plus
148 308 Marius Group contacts by groups. PS. cantact email has to few characters. 1464 plus
149 297 Suraj keyboard shortcut for microphone mute. mute button to go red when enabled. mini interface (always on top) with mute, speaker and hangup buttons. 1462 plus
150 330 Norbert Import contacts from vCard and csv, maybe directly from google. The only thing that prevents me from using microsip for now... 1460 plus
151 382 Badiuz Hotkeys to answer a call like press enter without move a cursor and click button anwser 1460 plus
152 386 Benjamin adding silent installation parameters, multi windows account configuration etc... thanks 1449 plus
153 304 Jon When Make Active is checked, would be nice if the client automatically reactivated/reregisters if the network connection is lost and resumed again (e.g. resuming from sleep, etc.). Currently, I have to toggle this manually. 1448 plus
154 231 telephoner Full DTMF keypad including DTMF-tones A, B, C and D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-tone_multi-frequency_signaling 1447 plus
155 255 Tommy M. 10 digit dialing. configurable default country code, etc. 1446 plus
156 246 Bipin level indicators for mic and speaker 1438 plus
157 319 Alex Add Description/Tag field to accounts just for identification purposes. Very use full if keep switching accounts all the time. Thank you. Your effords are greatly appreciated. 1434 plus
158 228 telephoner Place a note on the webpage that "With WineBottler 1.7.16 from http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/ MicroSIP does actually also work on Intel based Macs." – Even if you don't grant any support and don't guarantee for anything. 1427 plus
159 252 Alex Changing Soundcards without disconnecting. 1427 plus
160 234 Marcio Incoming text message sound is the feature I mostly miss on MicroSIP. Intranet text messages are one of the main uses of MicroSIP here, and we miss very much a sound that signals when a new text message has come. 1419 plus
161 278 marcin I wish that the program could be set the maximum number of incoming calls, eg 3,4,5 maximum at one time. The radio stations when broadcast live at one point calling 50 people, the program crashes. It's nice to be able to when this limit. Thank you very mu 1417 plus
162 286 chrml import/export vCard format (vcf) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350 1415 plus
163 302 FL More security: 1. Optionally, the account password could be entered at application startup time. 2. A password to lock the phone. 1415 plus
164 248 Martin C Support for the Call-Info Header as per RFC3261 section 20.9 I would be nice so we can send a JPG url to the phone to display it before answering the call. 1414 plus
165 264 Wesley Chapman Allow user to configure different code than ** for call pickup code and group pickup code. In our implementation the code is *8 + ext. 1407 plus
166 218 Knut Configure which RDP ports to use 1401 plus
167 328 Johan An option to set automatic updates for new stable versions. 1399 plus
168 306 Jan Sebosik Option to specify portrange for rtp/UDP (and maybe also for SIP) 1398 plus
169 266 Hassan Add a button to switch from one codec to another during the call e.g. from G711 to G729 if connection starts going down, then MicroSIP should send a re-INVITE to the remote party with the new codec. 1397 plus
170 325 myself This MicroSIP phone has no instructions for setting it up, nothing, just technical garble on the help page. The first thing it says on the help page is this: "Your account SIP server." WHAT about an account SIP server? Why are there no instruction anywher 1396 plus
171 256 kk Add option to change key translated to #, and work it in input field 1395 plus
172 315 Jason Use account name instead of sip url in the menu so that it's straight-forward which account to switch to when there are multiple accounts 1395 plus
173 267 zane call with a predial injection like S0 1383 plus
174 320 Vadim XCAP for Contact list Load/Save 1383 plus
175 280 Sascha 1s pause DTMF tone. By ',' or 'p' delimiter for example. Would be awesome! 1378 plus
176 301 Artem COM object to use Microsip in other applications 1376 plus
177 293 el_es 4. Option for the CallerID display to remain visible (with timeout or not) if other device of the same extension picked up the call; Button to copy the incoming CallerID to clipboard. 1371 plus
178 298 Peter TLS keypinning 1359 plus
179 360 walter add an option that allows you to block access to the configuration parameters and account configuration to limit the configuration of these things only to administrators who have the unlock password 1359 plus
180 310 Mike Please make "close to tray" configurable. I hate the systray full of icons of running applications but I get that there are people who prefer it that way. Simple option in ini would be sufficient, no UI needed. ;) 1347 plus
181 331 Darko VLAN tagging. It should have virtual NIC built in that you can put on different VLAN. This way it segregate the traffic between data and voice. This is possible with physical voip phones. It should be possible with software phones (SIP) clients as well. I 1335 plus
182 322 Goran Configurable User Agent string (just like CSipSimple for android allows). Lots of VoIP Service Providers only allow certain User Agents using a whitelist. 1333 plus
183 327 Pavel Option to disable only local DTMF sounds when dialing. 1332 plus
184 354 michael Bug with SIP | INVITE SDP: m=audio 4004 RTP/AVP 8 0 18 101 m=video 4008 RTP/AVP 99 98 | 200 OK SDP: m=audio 4004 RTP/AVP 8 0 18 101 | But SIP RFC must: m=audio 4004 RTP/AVP 8 0 18 101 m=video 0 RTP/AVP 99 98 1331 plus
185 290 el_es 1. SIP Originate : tell your Asterisk PBX to ring your desk phone, you pick up the handset and then the PBX dials out to the number, on behalf of your extension; Like SIPTAPI but without dialer.exe 1330 plus
186 307 Michael Schelin Text Messaging - Vertical list for message phone numbers (instead of horizontal tabs) 1318 plus
187 316 alvin have Ringing Sound setting like this ..\MicroSIP\ringin.wav so you do not have to keep making this setting when you use this phone portable. 1317 plus
188 326 Andy "hangup" Parameter over command line (CMD) 1316 plus
189 309 adrian Option to hide offline contacts 1313 plus
190 329 Yuri Option for window "Incoming Call" behavior. Since 3.10.2 it always popup. Before was more predictable: Popup if minimized, flash bar if has no focus 1307 plus
191 341 Xavier Assignable shortcut to answer/hangup a call, e.g. defined to answer call with headset button play/pause. 1303 plus
192 336 Sergei Support USB SkypePhone (Buttons, Ringer) 1262 plus
193 362 Supafly Hovering display window in the corner of the screen with caller ID, call duration and hangup button. 1255 plus
194 333 MZYChina Define DTMF digits sends as in-band DTMF,or can be selected. 1251 plus
195 355 florian Settings-Option to deactivate the auto-away feature. 1251 plus
196 334 P M Regarding User State. I would like to see a drop-down box that highlights our user state, so that, we would be able to see if we are Available, in Training, on Break, etc. Currently, when the status is changed, it only shows at the bottom of the page and 1246 plus
197 506 Kems Add a transparency slider in the options to be used in combination with "always on top" 1234 plus
198 346 MAX ability to execute the cmdIncomingCall also on rejected call 1230 plus
199 347 GF Replace strings in the numbers before actually calling to fix special characters that cause problems: "+49(0)" -> "0"; or "/" -> "" 1226 plus
200 401 Ndi Multi Line and conference on single window 1224 plus
201 373 Boris Ability to change font size for call logs and contacts (current font is too small). 1221 plus
202 348 PRIHLOP record calls as amr 1211 plus
203 387 admin receive http api get requests - e.g. to open the door (DTMF), switch video, play remote audio message ... 1209 plus
204 344 Jim Hunt Ability to play an audio file such as music or a spoken message over the line to a caller when a call is placed on hold. Example of file could be hold.wav. 1208 plus
205 500 Juanfran Make incoming call window not to steal focus. It is annoying when you are typing in some other window and the phone steals focus. If you disable the bring-to-front setting, you get a non-blocking OS notification but it lacks of answer/reject buttons. 1200 plus
206 436 tanguy Can use handset button to hang up / pick up ( Jabra handset ) 1197 plus
207 380 Badiuz settings to add dial prefix automatically when calling contact 1191 plus
208 367 walter See the version number of microsip : Ex "About menù" with all the information of microsip. 1181 plus
209 455 Mary Google Contacts SYNC (at least one-way Google -> MicroSIP) 1180 plus
210 391 Sergejj Добавьте пожалуйста регулировку громкости "Звуковых событий" в меню "Настройки" . Во время набора номера звук в 10 раз громче чем ответ телефонной станции. Звонить не комфортно. приходится отключать полностью "Звуковые события". 1177 plus
211 414 Mark I am looking for someone calls me, it is a telemarketer, and I dial a code, say *32 and it adds that number to a block list 1176 plus
212 473 Fischer Make it Citrix ready. It works great in XenApp, but all users have the same settings, because microsip.ini file stored on same location then exe file. e.g. microsip.exe is stored in C:\programms and microsip.ini the same. 1173 plus
213 338 Lospejos Plugins API support to be able to make plugins - f.e. events handler (inbound call, outbound call, status changed) etc. 1166 plus
214 510 Enrique Manage Urls when we click on phone numbers with spaces the web-browser adds automatically %20 on spaces separators in numbers like this XXX XXX XXX. So add something to manage that or if come with %20 this part dont put it 1166 plus
215 332 Hoang Nguyen Group chat 1164 plus
216 365 Isaac I hope this software would be good 1163 plus
217 594 NvrBst When a call comes it (when microsip is in tray, on windows) it pops up the "Contacts" tab by default. It would be nice if this was configurable, or, at least the "Dialpad" tab makes more sense to me to be default. 1158 plus
218 398 ali eminent Restriction on call recorder, so that other user can't disable call recordings or change the recording path. 1157 plus
219 368 AndreyParkhomets Fix IP selection when VPN used, otherwise no incoming voice 1154 plus
220 428 Russ Add new account by importing from a config file, maybe achieved by associating a new file extension with the exe and a new command line switch 1151 plus
221 377 Raul Option to disable (or to reduce the volume) of the beep sound in the ending of a call. 1149 plus
222 407 mu5tfind Call on hold reminder, where after X seconds/minutes a sound or beep is heard through the "speaker" or "ring device" of MicroSip. 1145 plus
223 356 Однократный зумер MicroSIP-3.11.0 при получении вызова происходит однократный звонок и вызов остается а звука нет. Откатил на предыдущую версию - там все нормально. 1144 plus
224 448 Filip Allow connecting to SIP account by clicking on link (similar to call:) 1136 plus
225 434 David Possibility to download call history in csv or xls file. 1129 plus
226 437 Paralea Don't use a separate window for the calls. They get buried onscreen, and it's hard to find them to hang up. Use the actual window where you are dialing from to end calls. 1127 plus
227 404 Oleg Add an option like in X-Lite "Play DTMF tones back to me", or make DTMF quieter (10% - 20% - 30%......100%) 1126 plus
228 425 Abe Use default communications devices in Windows audio system, so it automatically reduces other audio when a call is active. 1124 plus
229 363 Alexis G. Possibility to choose Default Communication Device or Default Device (ie Default for Ringing and Default Com for Call Sound And Mic) 1120 plus
230 459 Abe Ability to receive multicast rtp streams (for paging) the way desk phones do 1120 plus
231 429 Fabian Hi, it would be great if i could right click a call in "logs" to add it as "contact". 1118 plus
232 423 mu5tfind Audio confirmation when putting call on hold and bringing it back from hold. 1116 plus
233 504 M2 An OPTION to choose a default account, which will be always used after the startup of MicroSIP instead of the last account used before close MicroSIP. 1115 plus
234 396 Eric A notification for when someone leaves a voicemail 1112 plus
235 378 Sandor Option to load CARDDAV contacts 1109 plus
236 357 Elis Disable ring-window on top 1108 plus
237 358 atz Auto-Answer (All calls) button switch on dialpad panel 1108 plus
238 411 Petra K. After dialling a number from an external program, MicroSIP gets automatically maximized. Could its dimensions remain the same at all times? 1108 plus
239 438 Dmitri Build for Linux/FreeBSD 1107 plus
240 366 Andre Display won't sleep when microsip is running. "powercfg -requests" lists the "microsip.exe" process as the culprit (under "DISPLAY"). Rebooting or restarting microsip does not correct correct the problem. 1099 plus
241 394 Kaile it doesnt work correctly if connection built with vpn, the pbx is located in different location, and i want to use MicroSIP in different location and there is site-to-site vpn, but it doesnt work correctly. 1097 plus
242 369 thefish Built-in OpenVPN client like Yealink phones 1092 plus
243 432 dman Separately route Call Ring to Speakers and Voice Audio to Headphones option Windows 10. 1090 plus
244 388 Yvy Could you please add codec G.726-40 and G.726-32? (G.726 is used to convert G.711A/μ to and from 40 or 32 kbps channels in DCME.) 1088 plus
245 470 Dawid Multiple phone lines/accounts with separate dialpad/control on single screen with separate speaker and microphone selection. 1086 plus
246 375 Joel When existing a contact and going back to the contact, previous messages do not appear 1082 plus
247 403 Stefano lookup on Tellows, shouldianswer or other antispam services (after stripping anything after @ in the incoming caller identifier). 1082 plus
248 450 SaiKalyan Could you please add prerecorded greetings internal audio play. auto-answer & recording option is already present so if this greeting & attendant option will be added it will be a fully functional answering machine for me. if any one can do this please c 1082 plus
249 379 Adriano Option to select/remove columns in the contacts/history tabs. 1081 plus
250 487 Oksana Contacts have disappeared, it’s very inconvenient, make it possible to save and restore them in cases of such failures. 1080 plus
251 361 walter An option to hide numeric dialpad 1078 plus
252 393 Pedro Add TRANSFER and CONFERENCE buttons to main window and to Single Call Mode 1078 plus
253 498 Julio plantronics headset support 1078 plus
254 418 Dimitri IAX protocol funcionality if possible. 1077 plus
256 480 Frank Higher quality Opus codecs, perhaps 48KHz and 64KHz for radio remote connections. Local account is great for direct connection to broadcast codec HW like Comrex! 1075 plus
257 352 ar Please add MPEG Layer 2 codec for high quality audio. With MPEG Layer 2, you can connect to a IP Codec device for broadcasting and transfer high quality audio between remote locations or studios. There is no freeware softphone that supports MPEG layer 2. 1072 plus
258 497 Johnny I wish for the possibility to select two simultanious ring devices as in Skype. The possibility to send/hear the ring signal in both headset and PC speaker for example. 1072 plus
259 457 Moshe Should work with siptapi 1066 plus
260 430 Fabian Maybe you could consider to access external Phonebooks, like Fritz.box devices provide. 1064 plus
261 427 BPhilippi Advanced SIP parameters - Registration timeout, re-register interval, sip session timers etc. 1062 plus
262 519 Zoran Web browser plugin - click to call option from web sites. 1062 plus
263 419 list for auto answer Auto answer has many options, i don't know. I want a easy choice like "8499*@sip*.com" or blacklist whitelist. "Directory of users" is hard to set for new user. 1061 plus
264 495 Alessandro Presence (BLF) also on the "Shortcut" Buttons (not only in the personal directory 1061 plus
266 385 Matthew Automatically unmute mic once call is complete. 1055 plus
267 496 Kerstin Is it possible to use MicroSIP within Microsoft Teams? Would a Microsoft Teams integrations be useful (https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-US/marketplace/apps?src=wnblogmar2018&product=teams)? 1052 plus
268 395 Pablo Dial *76 (or custom) when click DND on the phone to let asterisk know 1050 plus
269 381 zwostaa Set focus on incoming call window / bring it to foreground when ringing (OS: windows 7) 1049 plus
270 509 Malon different ringtones, depending on caller this would be great! thank you in advance if ever considered worth to implement 1044 plus
271 370 Yu Hi, could codecs G.722.1@16kHz or G.729a be added? 1041 plus
272 525 edi In Multi Call Mode, Call Connected shows the hostname of the server. This is not good because it shows where is the server what cloud provider is using. Please remove it. example: (Connected (ip-hostname.of.server, PCMU@8kHz 64kbit/s) 1039 plus
273 364 walter A configuration flag that eliminates any sound signals in headphones for events (ES: autoanswer beep) 1038 plus
274 492 JT Add "Comments" as a contact list column 1030 plus
275 408 Riccardo Try to reconnect every 'xxx' seconds if some error shows. Appreciated when you use slow dhcp and microsip on startup, if windows doesn't get quickly an ip microsip stays offline and you have to reconnect it manually. 1026 plus
276 371 ACL Why don't you use paypal? 1025 plus
277 392 JMM Avoir une version microsip sans possibilité d'enregistrer les appels (comme cela existait dans la version 3.19.8. 1023 plus
278 372 Yu Could you add an indicator that shows which codec is actually being used during a call? 1022 plus
279 413 Mike Open url at incoming call 1015 plus
280 359 highbaser Don't streamline the interface - Please don't ruin MicroSIP with today's crappy UI design standards (Material, Metro, etc.) 1013 plus
281 467 kenny failover using outbound proxy or dual registration 1013 plus
282 440 Moishe Choose client IP address to bind to eth0, eth1 (for sip account) 1008 plus
283 417 Kevin The ability to support MLPP User Agent features. Would be very useful for testing some SIP networks. 1007 plus
284 422 Evan Set outbound caller ID in settings. 1007 plus
285 486 MatthiasSchröder Map special media key (i.e. windows audio mute key) to end call for multimedia remote controls whithout stop button. 1007 plus
286 539 Andrew Sign the executables and assemblies with a Code signing certificate for easier managed via policy and AV 1007 plus
287 389 Julie Make dialpad buttons smaller, so overall width would become smaller too. And maybe make an option to hide them completely. 1005 plus
288 416 David An OCX to integrate into other apps that return values ​​such as: call time, call status, error codes and so on. 1005 plus
289 397 Rudflodur Extract invalid characters from number (e.g. 0123/456), other characters like (0123.456) works. Writing phonenumbers with slash is common in Germany 1003 plus
290 435 Guillaume Option to upload contact from csv 998 plus
291 374 calas Include non-ECC certificates or make website available via pure HTTP (not HTTPS). Inaccessible with older browsers on Windows XP. 996 plus
292 454 Glukinho Allow to make calls without speakers/microphone/audio device at all, especially in RDP session. Useful to troubleshoot SIP connectivity issues, when you need to know quickly if a call can be dialed at all. 996 plus
293 383 memo add a speaker phone facility (second sound card) 991 plus
294 409 Dmitry The password should not be displayed in GUI or the account settings may be able to be blocked for viewing by non-administrators 990 plus
295 431 Thomas Routers like AVM have a simplified setup for VOIP accounts with a number of providers across Europe. A similar functionality within MicroSIP would be great (e.g. Vodafone, Telecom, 1&1, etc.) 990 plus
296 456 TEL-PRO Ciemny motyw lub kolor skórki. 989 plus
297 421 NGUYEN Search all accounts with same network. Use with RadminVPN, you can only call via IP, not via name 988 plus
298 537 Juliano Integrate MicroSIP with "sound\communications" option from Windows to automatically reduce the volume of other sounds when receiving calls. 987 plus
299 405 Blake Sinnett ZRTP support, and the ability to select the Opus frequency, channels and bitrate. 985 plus
300 452 Ober Headset integration - Sennheiser HeadSetup 984 plus
301 424 mu5tfind More than 8 configurable shortcuts 983 plus
302 471 Rudolf Is there a reason why the slash / is not stripped off like other characters (,.,),- etc..? The slash is often used in Germany as separator between areacode and number! 983 plus
303 490 MatthiasSchröder Option to auto hide as a sidebar with a small button to unhide. 981 plus
304 546 obaid Add shortcut keys line "Ctrl+t for Call Transfer, Call Hold, Call Mute, Call End" etc. 980 plus
305 554 Douglas Fischer Make microsip available via Winget. As described in https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs 980 plus
306 406 Blake Sinnett Add hotkeys for shortcuts (control+1-8) as well as for call management (control_h to hold, control_e to end call, control+t to transfer, etc) 977 plus
307 507 George Tones optional pack (busy etc). Tones, played by PBX (Asterisk, for example), are not clear. It is better to have internal signals. 977 plus
308 410 Alex Setting in preferences for automatic conferrence mode Option, so that participans cann be directly part of a current call. 974 plus
309 384 Rickylee Can I modify manual and dynamic below rtpmap value ? like a example of AMR 12k SDP. I wanna change rtpmap from 120 -> 97 , m=audio 11706 RTP/AVP 121 120 101 c=IN IP4 b=TIAS:23850 a=rtcp:11707 IN IP4 a=sendrecv a=rtpm 973 plus
310 587 Dennis Make it Windows Virtual Desktop ready. It works great in Windows Virtual Desktop, but all users have the same settings, because microsip.ini file stored on same location then exe file. e.g. microsip.exe is stored in C:\programms and microsip.ini the same. 972 plus
311 469 Leendert-Jan The ability to run different commands when different numbers are pressed, making a menu for users. e.g: 'Press 1 to receive the newsletter.' Not very complex, just different commands for different numbers to press :) 971 plus
312 558 Ricardo Export/import accounts 969 plus
313 390 Jameel Option to add prefix to every outgoing call. thank you 968 plus
314 402 Shadow373 Add Blacklist for microcip. 967 plus
315 444 Youri The setting for Opus, "maxaveragebitrate=20000", means 8kHz mono bandwidth only, and G.722 sounds better. 50000 would make MicroSIP sound as good as PhonerLite! ;) 966 plus
316 515 Petrochka Add a IAX protocol support. 962 plus
317 531 IMEG I wish config the DND codes. In the my PBX when I need change the user state to DND i must to call to 077, if I do this I can check in the Microsip Contacts Panel the user in red, but if I use the Microsip DND button the extension in the system dosen't ch 962 plus
318 524 edi Do not Activate any Account on startup if no Active Account was set before last Exit 961 plus
319 426 Marco Display "info" information in popup window when incoming call coming 959 plus
320 442 Alvaro José Peña Themes or Skin for GUI like xlite 954 plus
321 460 Mos Possibility to use multiple outbound providers 953 plus
322 523 Yves Caller ID suppression: CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction) The transfer of the calling party's telephone number to the called party is suppressed or restricted. 953 plus
323 446 lucas 1.Add option to "Register every X segonds" in account properties. 2.MWI voice mail feature support.and maybe video mail in the feature. 948 plus
324 493 Panagiotis Phonenumber callerID Lookup from a mysql database 948 plus
325 458 depape multiple sip accounts registrations on-line 947 plus
326 579 Theodore G Nov 2020. Keep GUI as it is. LDAP support anytime soon ? Attended transfer appears dimmed, any suggestions? Donations: You accept paypal but without paypal's logo in the donation page someone may not click... 947 plus
327 415 Ramon PJSIP Support on port 5080 and SRV Record for registration 946 plus
328 451 Michele It would be very comfortable if the "Call" button would turn into "Hang up" if there is a call in progress. 946 plus
329 400 Stu E add higheer bit rates for OPUS codec. as high as 128kbs would be nice 943 plus
330 595 Kevin Auto DND feature to set work hours tou automatically enable and disable DND 935 plus
331 555 Tony When I click ESC and Microsip just go in right bottom bar and I have to use my mouse to click it to reopen everytime and using alt and tab wont find the software. Hoping there is a keyboard shortcut to reopen the software or Microsip can be pin even I ESC 934 plus
332 488 Jaroslav Answer and decline button green backgroud to answer /red to decline :-) 932 plus
333 557 Matt Wrap incoming caller id for long caller id strings. 931 plus
334 465 Kevin K Please add option to modify Payload type on Video codecs. 926 plus
335 472 Corporate User Call forwarding to a mobile number for afk usage 926 plus
336 484 Sven Add an automatic updater that downloads and installs the newest version automatically instead of redirecting the user to the website to download it manually. 925 plus
337 461 Maxy Video format 16:9, not 4:3 :) 924 plus
338 520 Bobby Don't bring conference window into foreground when dialing a number. After making a call you have to click the dial pad to bring it in foreground to dial more digits on you keyboard. 924 plus
339 535 nvisibles disable all video in autoanswer mode 924 plus
340 528 Chris Contacts already can have multiple numbers. Make them available for dialing from the contacts list. And extend the number of numbers to 4 or 5. 923 plus
341 441 Federico Add extensive log of voip protocol in order to troubleshoot voip issues 921 plus
342 541 Tuxheader Ubuntu/Mint/Debian Client. Mac OSX, IOS Client Android Client 921 plus
343 489 Astro Option for chat history/logging with date/time 920 plus
344 475 Seejay Integrate a Hifi audio quality stereo audio codec via OPUS 256kbit/s with inbandFEC enabled. 917 plus
345 483 Danilo Support for sending RFC3325 P-asserted-identity. 917 plus
346 517 Peter Record in multiple channels to separate transmit and receive 912 plus
347 588 Carina Call a number directly from the Internet with a key combination or via the dialog with the right mouse button. 912 plus
348 494 MatthiasSchröder Menu option to call mobile number from contact context menu. 911 plus
349 412 Michael Make it possible to send a donation by wire transfer to Bank-account, without paypal, credit-card etc. 910 plus
350 501 Rafael Tavares Add option to disable "show password" on sip account 907 plus
351 474 Juan Put a button in the "Answer" dialog, to place the call directly on hold, instead of stopping the ongoing call. 906 plus
352 620 Shaiful Islam Please add a webhook for incoming calls (basic HTTP get request is ok). 903 plus
353 580 Mahinda Ability to sync with google contacts 899 plus
354 581 zannetos 24-hour time format, in logs 895 plus
355 503 admin Ability to lock the account and settings with a password, so that they can't be viewed or changed. Just because you have access to the computer doesn't mean you should have the ability to view the account password or change the configuration. 893 plus
356 556 Michael Dark Theme, comparable to the Windows 10 dark mode. 891 plus
357 468 natSIP add set CLI "Set(CALLERID(all)=xxxxxxxx)" in setting. 889 plus
358 547 IARSLAN After the installation, can the user-changeable motion multilingual support option be added? as for example Zoiper 889 plus
359 616 InterLinked Flash button that works like an analog telephone adapter so that it can get a recall dial tone from the SIP server (not local). (Possible on ATAs, not on any softphones I have encountered so far). 889 plus
360 591 Matti Show the called number in log tab 885 plus
361 453 Andrew B Compiled Applications and Assemblies signed with a certificate so they can be whitelisted in AV and AppLocker. 884 plus
362 592 Александр Скрыть НЕактивных абонентов в списке контактов 884 plus
363 596 Roman Auto-Answer header on NOTIFY, like tSIP (Event: talk) 884 plus
364 750 left allow conference calling with same number 884 plus
365 481 Kevin K Please add Fax support for both G.711 and T.38 883 plus
366 518 cobwebb Strip non numeric characters from numbers passed in via command line (so that %20 and + etc are stripped from poorly formatted callto and tel links) 882 plus
367 478 Wesley Add the ability to make custom "call outcomes/disposition" (ie. sale, call back, not interested, DNC)after each call ends/hangup. Add disposition of call result in Call Log. Allow Call Log to be exported to csv or text file. 880 plus
368 618 Alan_uk The application takes up a lot of screen space. Option to automatically minimize/minimise to task bar after x seconds of no use (i.e. not on a call). default say 10 seconds. Many thanks. 880 plus
369 479 Tekin Remote Number (ANI) hide option when call handle. could not see ANI number. 879 plus
370 485 Greg AAC-LD/AAC-ELD Codec Support even if not free. 879 plus
371 477 Astro sip_auth_clien ...Unsupported digest algorithm "SHA-256" 874 plus
372 540 SIARHEI long numbers are not displayed when incoming. for example, "incoming call +1234567890" 874 plus
373 576 Primo Transfer calls to other sip 874 plus
374 597 Amit P Enable auto-update functionality for the app (rather than having to manually download + execute a setup binary). 872 plus
375 626 Teobaldo Please, add a startup parameter that points to the configuration file to be used (not just microsip.ini). With this change I suppose that it would be possible to run multiple instances of MicroSIP simultaneously. This would be useful for teaching purposes 871 plus
376 499 Jens Bei Anruf laufende Audioquelle stummschalten. Frage: wäre es Möglich, eine laufende Audioquelle wie Musik Stream für die dauer des Anrufes stumm zu schalten... Ansonsten finde ich das Programm super.. weiter so. 868 plus
377 502 John Jairo Zuñiga Que me muestren como recuperar registros de llamadas no contestadas o perdidas que fueron eliminadas por el usuario de microsip. 866 plus
378 589 Roman Use "Phone Number" and "Mobile number" to resolve contact Names on incoming calls (right now only "Number" field is searched). 865 plus
379 607 Guayo Integrate "non single call" options into the main phone window, just using tabs not a new separated window. 865 plus
380 653 Mark Block a caller or block a number. A simple way to add numbers to a block caller list. 865 plus
381 606 Jelle Cancel a forwarded call, if the forwarding number doesn't respond. 864 plus
382 635 Kevin K Ability to authenticate PRACK if 401 Unauthorized is received per rfc3262 sec9. 863 plus
383 476 Astro Can't connect to sip.linphone.org (incorrect password error). 860 plus
384 482 Gui IMS-AKA authentication support 860 plus
385 491 Robby ability to paste a number (as DTMF signal) within an active call. Lot of business people need this to register the call in to a certain meeting by entering such a meeting ID in Webex or Zoom (234567899#) 857 plus
386 680 Ian Command line to transfer when the first number is answered. ie .exe number /transfer number2 856 plus
387 603 Carol documentos 854 plus
388 462 Kevin K Please add option for Late Media Invite. Initial Invite with no SDP and utilize the first Codec returned in the 183/200OK that matches configured Codecs 852 plus
389 601 Caio Label call/end call change collor green/red 851 plus
390 545 obaid Add department column and shown on contact list. as search contact by department. 847 plus
391 516 Eduardo Function to generate the password hash from the microsip executable or similar method to generate MicroSIP.ini for remote provisioning. Running code on the machine: microsip.exe generate_hash s3cret_p@s5w0rd 846 plus
392 522 Guy Compatibility with Jabra Keypad to mute, hold, anwer 846 plus
393 536 Ulf Westman I wish that I have the possibility to translate the words "Unavailable" & "redo" under information in the contactlist ;_) 842 plus
394 420 Charlie German translation and userdefind coulors/styles and size 841 plus
395 526 edi Ringing popup shows the ip of the server and version of FPBX and astertisk. Should not show those information no need. example: 330@123.456.789.123 FPBX- To: 307@ip-of-client 837 plus
396 464 Spidy I was wishing for uPnP. Improved Messaging. Above all, we wish you well ! Great Product !!! 836 plus
397 619 Dimitris Need to able to merge two active calls. Useful for announcing a caller and not blindly transfer. 836 plus
398 512 Rem When copy & paste telephone number country code doesn´t follow. +467012345678 shows in the calling list but when we copy and paste it, it will be: 07012345678. Would like to behold the countrycode. 835 plus
399 567 Jakob Login to Google or Apple account(s) for synchronisation with respective contact lists 833 plus
400 623 NA Ability to send hook flash events, using either RFC2833 or SIP INFO (should be straightforward) 833 plus
401 521 Bobby Add pause ability to dial-plan. A P or comma could be used to insert a pause and allow the call to connect and then dial the remaining digits. Example you dial 2289 it would then dial 16185551212P2289 using a dial plan of xxx In turn would call 618555 832 plus
402 527 Artyom Add radio buttons. Those. buttons with status indication on / off. This is necessary when using presence statuses, etc. of things. Now if I put myself in a pause in the queue, I do not see in the pause in the softphone or not. Indicator buttons would solv 832 plus
403 638 PaterGirona Suport video h.265 832 plus
404 511 Boris Special shape of icon in the system tray when DND option is on. (May be, another for AA?) 828 plus
405 538 Zigmas In Contacts menu all information should be displayed in columns, not only Name/Number/Info. (Now Mobile number, email, address, etc. aren't displayed). 826 plus
406 600 Tobias Support for RTT (Real Time Text) based on RFC4103, so that communication can be textbased instead of talking (for example if your deaf). Messages today are only SIP Message and are not real-time enought. 826 plus
407 534 Frank Windows defender detects the download exe as unsafe. Please tell Microsoft that the app is safe. I already send a message to Microsoft that I think that the app is safe. Defender says it is not downloaded very often and therefore classifies Microsip as p 825 plus
408 610 Olli It would be nice to be able to define Hotkeys for anwering and hanging up since headset support collides with other applications like teams. 822 plus
409 633 Vishwajit Provide the ability to customize the packetization time (ptime), e.g. 10ms, 20ms, 30ms. 821 plus
410 560 Pranav If Microsip could work with 2 or more domains at a time. Want to receive calls from 2 or more domains without having to switch between them. 817 plus
411 613 M2 correct sorting for call length by time not by digit current sort is like 1:21 , 1:28:59 , 1:30 or 1:21 , 10:52 , 2:53 817 plus
412 632 Gu Conference call and call transfer (call parking) features 816 plus
413 508 pp2 clear call history "select all" and clear history button required 815 plus
414 605 Vinicius Put password to edit sip account settings and softfone settings 815 plus
415 542 Mark Allow higher resolutions. Like 720p/1080p? Now it crashes with Error: vstdec06DB2214 Error: not enough buffer for decoded frame 814 plus
416 553 Douglas Fischer Make Microsip available as an APP to be obtained via Microsoft Store. https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/windows/uwp/publish/app-submissions 813 plus
417 584 Dean Add commandline option to set own path for installation like on a Citrix server with roaming profiles e.g.:"/installpath=C:\ProgramData\MSL" 811 plus
418 651 Dogerty Send DTMF with command line parameter. 809 plus
419 505 MatthiasSchröder Map global Windows hotkey to call the number from active selected windows text. 805 plus
420 529 Alf Ability to validate users using LDAP 805 plus
422 645 Alex Please make a dark theme 801 plus
423 530 Chad Wright Need to be able to see if you are actually recording or not...when you click the rec button there is no feedback as to if it started recording or not..turn button green or something when recording...Thanks 799 plus
424 602 Alan Ability to change main dialog keypad size (new version's dialog box is much bigger than previous). Either change in Settings or by using mouse to change dialog box size. 799 plus
425 552 Silvio Remove spaces from tel: parameters. This is required to call directly from Outlook if contact telefone number use format like this +49 (123) 12345. If spaces included, MicroSIP does not call anything, if they are removed, it works fine. 798 plus
426 593 Ryder Show "From" name / number in incoming call windows either always or only if different from P-Asserted-Identity 795 plus
427 661 André enable a new option to send LOGS to an IP and Port 794 plus
428 548 JAM Right click call, on an incoming call log entry, isn't re-written by the Dial Plan rule(s). Outbound calls, in the logs, when right click called, are rewritten by the Dial Plan. 792 plus
429 513 Tim I use the microsip as an easy to use client on a NEC SV9100 system. nec should also be able to handle presence status. yet, nec uses port 8383 for presence status. is there any way I can make microsip more compatible with NEC presence ? 791 plus
430 631 da_ron DPI awareness on 4k displays with a scaling more than 100%. Buttons and menue are blurry. 791 plus
431 559 Ricardo Create account from another (copy account option) 790 plus
432 590 David Allow sound to be transmitted over RDP. Microsip currently complains that the device is in use. 788 plus
433 532 Yannick It would be nice if MicroSIP handles 3xx responses. 786 plus
434 646 Noman transfer the Fritz!Box phone book to MicroSIP 786 plus
435 577 Tim Save and restore settings. Upgrades are a pain...it could be less so if the software allowed user controlled save & restore of all the settings. 783 plus
436 564 Andrew When call cames set focus on button "Answer". 782 plus
437 754 aleksmisha Add support music instead of ringback (microsip need send to server 183 Session Progress instead of 180 Ringing and audio-stream) 782 plus
438 514 Albert Subscribe to a contact in the contact list and be notified when this contact is avaiable for calling ( not busy or in a call ) 781 plus
439 563 Visin Shortcuts in .ini file 778 plus
440 544 Timothy Jumonville Multiple SIP accounts registered at the same time and can receive calls on any of them. 776 plus
441 598 giomert Deactivate "Do not Disturb" mode in status of MicroSIP 776 plus
442 550 JAM Add to Dial Plan the ability to match on either or string. i.e. (888|999|777|232)x. If there is a way, I can't find an example. 775 plus
443 629 Christian Blocking list for unwanted calls. We get a lot of unwanted advertising calls. I would like to be able to block them. 775 plus
444 533 Rafael Saraiva Send NOTIFY to set presence when set DND to enabled. 774 plus
445 736 Math The application shortcut opens a new instance rather than opening the existing instance. Multiple instances cause "Incorrect Password" and other issues. 774 plus
446 578 tpm Open contact window side by side to dial window. So we can see the two at same time . 772 plus
447 696 Ricardo Ferreira Alert-Info to Distinctive Ringtone for internals call. ex info=Bellcore-dr3 772 plus
448 758 Jesper Noergaard click to call. When you press a phone number on a website or make a selection of a phone number on a website, the softphone must dial that number. it will help many to be able to make quick calls 772 plus
449 622 Remi Extra column in contacts displaying mobile Phone number 771 plus
450 697 Kevin Add a soundgate to avoid background noise. 771 plus
451 582 zannetos kaios support 769 plus
452 585 Marco Nienow Auto reject calls when busy. 768 plus
453 543 Boris When MicroSIP window gets focus and current panel is dial panel, the number field shoud become active, to the digits pressed on the keyboard go to this field. 766 plus
454 561 Daniel Popup external application : like CRM , web application , native browser url. 764 plus
455 549 JAM The Dial Plan field only allows 248 characters. I shutdown MicroSIP, and edited dialPlan in the INI file. There seems to be an internal limitation. 763 plus
456 562 diegomolineaux macOS version 763 plus
457 614 Audio Record calls in stereo / separate channels for each participant, preferably lossless. 761 plus
458 551 JAM The contact searches the name and number, but not the info field. Extending search to info would be nice. 758 plus
459 575 Joe Hotkey - Option to change hotkeys instead of using F2 and F4 to answer and decline 758 plus
460 628 Faram Great & Lovely project, thanks! Please add the Attended transfer button in simple mode. 757 plus
461 728 Anon Update notification RSS feed 757 plus
462 572 Torsten resolve name also to mobile number (incoming calls) - log and display. 756 plus
463 573 Peter wish to enhance the accessibility with the blind computer users and create clear shortcuts for call transfer, hold and conference 753 plus
464 615 Audio Record calls with original codec or .wav/.flac while keeping the original sampling rate (kHz). Lossless conversion between .wav and .flac (50% size reduction) or any other lossless codec can later be performed by the user. 753 plus
465 643 Michael Rack Showing / updating displayed data from P-Asserted-Identity on 200 OK, 183 Session in Progress, 180 Ringing 751 plus
466 612 Cord Cordes Mein Problem ist, dass ich nur die Namen, Wohnorte oder andere Eigenschaften meiner Kontakte im Kopf habe, nach denen ich sie suche. Alle Telefonnummern habe ich nicht im Kopf. Daher sollte das Suchfeld der Kontakte Standardeingabefeld sein. MfG CC 747 plus
467 599 Wim pickup / Answer a call from a locked windows system. while I lost the call, before I unlock my windows 746 plus
468 766 sugest do not register after edit account. 743 plus
470 714 Leonardo Gonzalez DO Me gustaria que tuvieran alguna version de laboratorio con multiples lineas SIP o SCCP 740 plus
471 759 Dan To create a login window (admin rights) before the settings one in order to avoid users to make undesirable changes on setup 739 plus
472 569 sr Ability to make Multicast calls 737 plus
473 689 Philipp Show called number in ringing dialog. 736 plus
474 568 Ruslan Costin Permanent link to download the latest version of microsip. 735 plus
475 627 Jakob Support for Google and Apple Contact cloud 733 plus
476 658 JasonOmarion RFC4662 Resource List Subscribtions or BLF List. 732 plus
477 571 Florian Popup missed calls 728 plus
478 678 Jonathan Wohlschlag Unattended/silent install capability for corporate network deployment. 727 plus
479 641 Franck i install Microsip in Programm directory, At first launch i need to put or change user directory to store the ini & contacts because by defaut it's in admin the %appdata% & i don't want to use a admin account. 724 plus
480 649 Rodrigo Windows Registry key to disable DND option. I want the user not to be able to use DND. 724 plus
481 642 Franck Silent installation with options destination Folder & User Profil 722 plus
482 566 Lisa Mac OS version needed 721 plus
483 732 Valery Option to choose if closing a program window minimizes it to tray or exits immediately. Not everyone needs it in the system tray - easy to forget it there, and it will take calls expected on another registered SIP devices. 721 plus
484 636 iskomania include outbound IVR 718 plus
485 565 Sophia similar as 194 User State. Need to see the status of MicroSip, when my tunnel goes down, MicroSIP is Gateway down. When tunnel is Up again, need to Edit Account and save then status is online. Missing status on icon or start by itself to be online 717 plus
486 652 Safak On windows 10, there is an microphone icon appear when calling someone but it doesnt disappear when we hang up. Its annoying and makes me paranoid. Please make it go away when call ends. 716 plus
487 667 Niels Customize ring tone per contact 716 plus
488 609 Olli It would be nice to be able to add the field "comment" to the contact list. "Info" is overwritten when I set precence to "1" in my xml file 714 plus
489 648 ddeew During incoming call popup it but do not take the focus. Focus must be in current app where user types the text. 713 plus
490 574 Jerome Allow us to add notes in the contact fields rather then just name and number, i tried adding the notes but nothing appears. Micro sip is the simplest and best softphone EVER, thanks guys you the best. God Bless 712 plus
491 586 Pim Be able to use SRV records while using the default DNS resolver rather than Google DNS 712 plus
492 617 InterLinked Greater color differentiation for Station Line Appearance / Busy Lamp Fields. Ideally, GREEN = idle, RED = busy and in use (instead of offline) and gray is unregistered, etc. This way, one can use color differentiation as with physical BLFs. 711 plus
493 709 Pietro Add command line to "capture" an incoming call of another user 709 plus
494 604 Max Hi guys! Tell me, can microsip software have automatic substitution of the phone number when you click on the phone number in the browser? I'll explain. For example, we visit any site, such as an online store, and it would be very cool, when you click on 706 plus
495 768 Timotej Please add a simple answer and deny hotkey soo we can map it to an external device or a simple button. for example ctrl+ a for answering a call 702 plus
496 663 Pascal menu item to force contact update (XML/JSON file) 700 plus
497 611 Pieter Pieter Numerele "de pe lista neagră" pentru apelurile de intrare - direct la mesageria vocală 1282 698 plus
498 650 Reiner What would be good is the possibility to be able to switch between the headset and the loudspeaker during a call (hands free phone). Currently the connection is being disconnected when i switch between the headset and the loudspeaker. Good job, great prog 698 plus
499 786 Steffen Sanitize numbers on paste: space, symbols that indicate extensions like '-' '/', replace '+' with '00', ... 694 plus
500 644 VP within the live call - Either do not allow to open "setting" Or call must not disconnect at least. 693 plus
501 583 David FTP support for user directory configuration from external source. MicroSIP seems to support HTTP(S) according to the documentation 692 plus
502 624 NA 4th column DTMF tones (A-D). Yes, not commonly used, but they are still part of the DTMF spec and I often need to use them. Making this optionally part of the keypad would be great. 691 plus
503 656 pp required incoming call sound on speaker or headphone if headphone connect to pc because if head phone connect and you have drop head phone incoming call not understand due to missed call drop 691 plus
504 690 Illa Park status button 691 plus
505 682 Joás Replace the beep at the end of the call with a more calming sound. The current one hurts the ears. 689 plus
506 654 AndreasE A Button for consultative transfer. The non "Single Call" Mode is not very intuitive for non IT affine Users. Me and my Clients never use blind transfers. 688 plus
507 677 Jonathan Wohlschlag Do not sideload and install Wave Browser during MicroSIP self-updates. Wave Browser is basically malware. 687 plus
508 625 Webhalla Would love the option to choose how to display time and date in the logs screen. 684 plus
509 630 Djully Criar opção para remover o botão de transferência 684 plus
510 660 Toni Recieve calls when windows is in standby 684 plus
511 668 Max Add the ability to disable the DND button. via the launch command or ini file. microsip.exe -nodnd. so that the button is not displayed in the application interface. 682 plus
512 637 Tim It seems that microsip only uses REFER to do a transfer. is there any option so that the microsip client sends a RE-INVITE instead ? my PBX doesnt seem to like REFER that much. 679 plus
513 655 Chalda Multiple telephone number in contacts with info (for example: 123456 [mobile], 123457 [work], 123458 [John] ) 679 plus
514 662 eugene sms integration to goip 679 plus
515 608 Artem auto call forwarding 674 plus
516 669 Noah Hotkeys for Do not Disturb and hold 674 plus
517 665 Alan_uk In Settings provide the option to set user defined paths for contacts, call log and the settings themselves. I had to restore my C: drive and lost my recent call log entries. Always a good option to put user data on another drive for daily image backup. 670 plus
518 713 Leonardo Gonzalez DO Me gustaria que se pudieran modifcar las mac´s 02190D15CC01 670 plus
519 659 Chalda Checking the number in the phonebook even without international prefix (00xx or +xx) 669 plus
520 671 GS move source code to Github for better collaboration 665 plus
521 634 Andre Add the ability to record convos with channel separation in stereo (e.g., incoming audio on the left, outgoing audio on the right), such as implemented by Acrobits mobile SIP client 663 plus
522 688 Nik Please add option to install the product for all users and not personal installation (instead of saving the whole program in user profile, save just configuration) 655 plus
523 666 Alex Separate settings for program sounds and dtmf tones (on or off) 652 plus
524 707 Slawa In the "Calls" section, add the ability to leave your Comments to calls, as well as Export to the Calls.csv file with this column 650 plus
525 694 Georg Allow that MicroSip automatically calls the dialer back (after few seconds) 649 plus
526 639 Fabi Fritz.Box aussuchen, Passwort eingeben, alles wird automatisch fertig eingerichtet. Zugegeben: Eine Funktion für Anfänger ;) 647 plus
527 657 Rogerio Insert the button for your money increasing 645 plus
528 674 mpe Reflect status in Taskbar icon: When in DnD or call please reflect it with an icon overlay so don't forget to turn DnD off 645 plus
529 675 Hans A big green and red button to answer and hang up 643 plus
530 686 Mikkel Have a .msi version of the download 641 plus
531 679 Pascal Allow filling info field in contact form 638 plus
532 672 Cory URL entries based on Actions (ex: https://imgur.com/a/GSQ3ENA) (wish: 140,275,413) 637 plus
533 681 greenambition420 More Detailed Interface showing the CID 636 plus
534 687 Peter Color indication in shortcuts area. Busy indicators, pause mode etc 636 plus
535 799 harry Revert #722, ID 19 - Instead use route based source selection - on VPN IF, you don't know what IP wou will get, like for any other DHCP condif IF. 634 plus
536 773 Wasif To show contact name (If Added that person's number on contact list already) in Outgoing calls. 633 plus
537 684 Joás Modernize the UI with WinUI. 632 plus
538 693 Thorsten access to the phone book when you initiate a conference call 632 plus
539 670 GS fix href tel: for Windows 10 21H1 627 plus
540 673 Tom M. Add a start with windows function 627 plus
541 676 Sergey Transger a call from command line, conference commands from command line. 625 plus
542 683 Joás Modernize the incoming call ringtone. 625 plus
543 685 Joás Change the ringtone. The current one is too loud and hurts the ears. 625 plus
544 691 Jacky Inbuilt noise cancellation 618 plus
545 695 Udo GREEN and RED colored button to accept and decline a call when a call comes in. 618 plus
546 762 Trouff Allow Multiple Active Account. This way additional accounts can receive calls. Set as an account option "Keep active". 618 plus
547 700 Carl Restore the ability to disable keep-alive (set to 0). Was present in v3.19.21. 613 plus
548 785 Shawn Allow a setting to minimize to tray and have nothing on the Windows 10 taskbar (run in system tray only) 612 plus
549 722 michael MicroSIP crashes every time my Win10 wakes up from standby. If I am not the only one affected this would be worth fixing, I guess :) 607 plus
550 721 Thunder Remove dashes, when clicking on a phone number. So it's the same like entering the number manually. 603 plus
551 706 Сергей В разделе "Вызовы" добавить возможность оставлять свои Комментарии к вызовам, а также Экспортом в файл Calls.csv с этой колонкой 601 plus
552 717 Nikos Select folder where you want to save contacts. This way they can be saved in Google Drive or Dropbox in order to be synchronized between different computers. 599 plus
553 726 Toto Synchronization between online address books like iCloud, MS Exchange, Google contacts would be wonderfull to just have one common phone book. 599 plus
554 749 Pepito Microsipt exit codes, like: -1 = no carrier 0 = call sucessfull 1 = target busy 3 = microsip is currently on call 4 = wrong dialed number 598 plus
555 702 Sammy Commandline: implement contacts lookup when giving an argument (case insensitive please). E.g. "microsip.exe paul" would dial Paul's number. 595 plus
556 760 Michel BUG: If you record a call and end it without stopping the recording first, it stays recording until you close the program or disable call recording in settings. 595 plus
557 715 Tobias L. Compatibility with Windows 11, there is no call funktion at the moment. Not in- and not outgoing. 593 plus
558 723 Renan Answer a call with the locked screen 592 plus
559 727 Keneth Outlook Address Book integration 592 plus
560 718 wilson.joseph I want to enable auto recording option 591 plus
561 719 David Burleigh This is the greatest softphone. Please make a native Linux version! 590 plus
562 738 Hanifi Hi I was checking your website and I've seen that you're Ukrainian. God be with you. We are trying to help you from afar, but I do not believe that it is enough. You have a home in Turkey Antalya or London England. Contact me if there is something I 590 plus
563 734 Ch Playing (in-band) a .WAV file over an active VOIP connection. 589 plus
564 699 Danny It would be great if the DND button could be disabled altogether so it wasn't an option for the end user. 588 plus
565 756 Radaco.net Microphone Simulation, for test and Debug 588 plus
566 698 juanfran Auto gain and/or peak limiter for microphone input. When the user's voice is too loud the microphone volume indicator turns red but users never realize their voice is distorted. 587 plus
567 724 kymaticus I wish you would build an android app too. 587 plus
568 705 Sergey When computer is locked: Set to DND and When screensaver starts: Set to DND 586 plus
569 731 Flavio Goncalves Authentication by credentials HA1 (Instead of using the password, use the HA1). It will help to provision without having to store the password in plaintext in a database. 585 plus
570 743 Peter Add option to disable Video service (like the option to disable texte) 585 plus
571 720 JAM In a XML directory of users, with multiple (different) users with the same number. The first time the XML is downloaded, the distinct contacts are listed. When MicroSIP pulls an XML refresh, all of the entries, with the same number, the name, and all ot 584 plus
572 735 Meyda MircoSIp as Android or iOS App 583 plus
573 753 aleksmisha Add Connected Line support (read P-Asserted-Identity and/or Remote-Party-ID from SIP server and edit name and number of active call) 581 plus
574 741 221-ahavath להכניס את אנשי הקשר לחייגן מיקרוסיפ תודה 580 plus
575 716 Alex Entering DTMF in call tabs would be nice. So I don't have to minimize and change to Microsip main window. 579 plus
576 729 Sergey An ability to import config file sections from separate files. For example, import the "[account1]" section from a separate *.ini file (for auto-configuration, depending on the name of the current system user) or from xml file. 579 plus
577 703 Sammy Logs tab: Add Option to "Clear" the log. Preferably as GUI button but at least inside the popup menu please. 577 plus
578 747 Roberto improve bluetooth. a button to switch audio to a 2 channel like bluetooth earphone is usefull. Thanks for program. 576 plus
579 704 Sammy Codec Settings: Please make a button "Optimal" (or similar) which adds all codecs to the "available list" and sorts them "best to worst" by kHz or other criteria. For the noobs and the lazy, you know, like myself XD 574 plus
580 737 Aamer Rabie Hot-Desking feature (When multiple employee work on same MicroSIP here we need to authentication window depended on SIP Auth to login to their account). 574 plus
581 748 Pepito Command line switch to know the current status. by example: microsip /status = idle, microsip /status = ringing 999238099... 574 plus
582 730 moein Software performance in secret, no display in the corner of the page, no display in applications, to improve spy function. 570 plus
583 739 BS_ACCICT Add a "Add to Contacts" function in a right-button menu in the tab "Logs" on a log entity 569 plus
584 725 Doug SMS log file so we do not loose our chats when we restart MicroSIP. 568 plus
585 804 Sascha Please add configurable Country code for incoming call history. e.g. +49 or 0049 to copy paste in CRM. 564 plus
586 701 Ed Please add multiple calls can received in many account 563 plus
587 712 Vault Hunter add hotkeys for redial, mute / unmute microphone and speaker 563 plus
588 757 Lukas Support for TR-064 features by AVM. e.g. you can get PhoneBooks and CallLogs. 556 plus
589 779 Snoopy Possibility to blacklist numbers corresponding to unsolicited calls ! 556 plus
590 763 Ch New entry in microsip.ini : "ShowSystray=0" (does not show systray-icon); "ShowSystray=1" (does show systray-icon). Would be very helpful when integrating MicroSIP in another app by "command line" and "cmdCallStart" / "cmdCallEnd" / "cmdIncomingCall" / " 554 plus
591 746 Roberto improve hands free. example a button switch audio out to a secondary channel so I can use hearphones to listen and speak. with button press, move the listen to external speaker. 553 plus
592 745 Roberto improve search on contacts. example on MicroSIP window, any key pressed go to search and filter results without clicks. program is wonderfull. 551 plus
593 752 mr lin Hello, I am using micro sip as client, recently met a problem, because it is used in the local area network (LAN), due to traffic congestion, delay is too big. Microsip cannot use the qos of DSCP way, network switches support qos, SIP signaling standard D 550 plus
594 811 Jorge Select Interface and not IP. In Sip account settings, you can select your Systems Ip. I think is better select interface, because the ip maybe changes 550 plus
595 764 Marzel Small easter-egg idea on version-check website: If opened with higher version as currently available, you could write "Your version is ahead. Are you from future?" or something like that :D 549 plus
596 710 eniorm Please add a option in context menu when I right-click in a call in history, to save it to contacts. 548 plus
597 772 michael Is it possible to make microsip support api? For example [curl -d '{"uri":"sip:1234@","account":"8888"}' ""], you can use the Registered 8888 to call sip:1234@ 548 plus
598 733 Dmitry Smallest possible softphone size. 547 plus
599 740 Ali Savas Separate phone calls into separate audio files It would be very useful if it were possible to record the outgoing and incoming audio channels in separate audio files. 544 plus
600 778 Ziv Tong User not allow to modify setting and force recording enabled 543 plus
601 825 Adam Reece Change hotkey CTRL+W to close current tab instead of opening the MicroSIP website, as this is very uniform for "close tab" across other applications. 541 plus
602 761 Ted A way to boost / amplify speaker volume because increasing windows volume to 100% isn't always enough 540 plus
603 776 Pedro Secondary Server, or Alternative Domain (to use when user is indoor or outdoor office) 540 plus
604 769 ss mamun star gold machine 539 plus
605 765 Marvin If a call is incoming, set the focus to the Incoming Call-Window and its Answer-Button that you only have to hit the Enter-Key to accept the call. 538 plus
606 755 Jeroen Assignable shortcut CTRL+P to answer/hangup a call, e.g. defined to answer, pause, Hangup a call with shortcut button. 537 plus
607 771 JohannK Add setting to administrator/password lock Account Settings and Phone Settings menu options. 536 plus
608 794 Gav A way to syncronise gmail or microsoft online contacts lists that update when new contacts are added on your phone, web browser or Outlook. 536 plus
609 774 Mike N I think call logs should be saved to a separate file and not to microsip.ini -> [Calls] section. 534 plus
610 781 David Add a Flatpak build for Linux systems. This shouldn't require changes to MicroSIP, just automate bundling Wine+MicroSIP in a Flatpak. 532 plus
611 780 Ivan Support sip register redirect(302) 530 plus
612 792 pfloyd Change Disable Video from Global preference to per account. 529 plus
613 770 ron hello great bit of software well done just the one problem when you hit the red x in top right hand corner this should disconnect the call you are on and return to the task bar so so so so annoying so so so annoying other wise good 525 plus
614 744 cristofaro replace pjsip 2.9 with pjsip 2.12 in order to fix related CVE. 523 plus
615 839 felipe castelo meu microsip não reconhece a saida do fone, ele funciona a saida em outros sites e o microfone tambem funciona, porem para ouvir no microsip não da, me ajudem por favor 522 plus
616 782 Hei Create a Group Contacts which you can call in order to initiate a conference call for the group 520 plus
617 767 Sebastien dynamically enlarge the transfer dialog box to better see the names of the contacts 519 plus
618 830 Fabio Add payload type 96 for DTMF tones 516 plus
619 789 Pluri Esc ends call or rejects an incoming call. Would be great if that could be removed 512 plus
620 777 Oliver working with mysql, saving contact and call info, save call records on external server, Click 2 Call from chrome 507 plus
621 797 Giorgio implement a keyboard combination that takes the phone number copied from any web page or desktop app and sends it directly to a call 503 plus
622 790 james eric It is suggested that MicroSIP can add the feature of exporting address book to html web form. 502 plus
623 788 Salih I request you to add shortcut key to call hold 500 plus
624 783 Dan Not so much a wish but is there any way I can have an operational hard phone (snom) and a MicroSIP softphone using the same IP address and they work? We have that scenario right now on a very linited basis and want to ensure we do the right thing(s) d 499 plus
625 793 Andrew Option to connect to CardDAV server for contacts. 497 plus
626 784 Shawn Inside of the UI: make a way to set the port to register to (when) UDP/5060 is not the port for the server side (Example: port UDP/8060) 496 plus
627 819 Giovani Rossi Add a restriction for user can't disable account or changes configurations. 494 plus
628 817 lionel Bonjour, Est-il possible d'installer 2 MicroSip INDEPENDANTD sur mon ordinateur ? Si OUI comment faire ? Merci du retour, lionel 492 plus
629 775 Jochen I would like to conect my crm with microsip. The url in Starhunter crm is https://MYDOMAINE.starhunter.software/Contact/service/phone-open/number/%CallerNumber% how can I do the right things in the settings so that MicroSip is using the contacts / telep 491 plus
630 796 Adam Reece Resolve environment variables (e.g. %UserProfile%, %AppData%, %LocalAppData%, etc) in file system based settings such as Ringtone file and Call Recording directory. 491 plus
631 798 Privacy Choosing Account_Number by Commandline e.g. microsip 0123345 -a 3 to dial 0123345 with account Nr 3 491 plus
632 791 Darren support for different types of BLF 489 plus
633 802 Max Please make MicroSIP remember window postions and monitor number. 488 plus
634 795 Luis Set the option to lock the settings with a password 487 plus
635 827 Hans Auto answer is supported via an INVITE. other PBXs using NOTIFY for this. Will it be possible to use NOTIFY as well or are there any plans to support that? 487 plus
636 800 Jairo Prates when you press the mute button, a counter appears showing how much time is muted 482 plus
637 801 tanvir new account 477 plus
638 844 Roberto Option to set a password to enable or disable the recording option 476 plus
639 805 Gabriel Set password on setings 475 plus
640 803 Yuri Add a "dial noise" volume knob. The dial sound's too loud in comparison to the voice. 472 plus
641 810 Marco Please can you modernise the windows by using rounded edges? Maybe also for some of the buttons? 465 plus
642 808 TechnoPhreak Unicode (Emojiis) support in messages. 464 plus
643 826 Marco On each incoming call show previous calls from that number 463 plus
644 812 Lucas Directory of users should refresh periodically, or refresh the Directory of users every time MicroSIP starts. 458 plus
645 813 Ashbel Programmable Auto Answer (AA) after xx seconds, so that the user has a sound alert (and a time to refuse) before answering a call. 456 plus
646 807 Gregory When Optional SRTP is set, initiate outgoing calls with SRTP. Can accept both encrypted/unencrypted calls from Twilio but cannot call out without switching to Mandatory SRTP. 452 plus
647 809 lespeluches Hello. Is it possible for each call to retrieve the caller's number and run a .bat file to do a customer lift? Cordially, 452 plus
648 833 rigper please, optional input pin to make the botton Setting DND and AA 452 plus
649 816 Al Ability to export accounts. God forbid I have to ever rebuild them. 449 plus
650 823 Malax Dark mode. 449 plus
651 847 Sergey Ability to see the name of the subscriber 446 plus
652 815 Humberto Andrade Integration with LDAP 444 plus
653 840 Jon Add option to log messages to file. 435 plus
654 806 Shehzor Hello, when we can get option for different custom skins 430 plus
655 818 lionel Bonjour, J'utilise MicroSip depuis déjà longtemps. Ma question : Est-il possible d'installer 2 MicroSip "INDEPENDANTS" sur mon ordinateur ? Si OUI : comment faire ? Je vous remercie pour votre réponse, lionel, 429 plus
656 835 Danny Sánchez Microsoft Teams Integration, Built as an App 426 plus
657 829 David J "Deny Incoming" should have an option "not in contacts list" 424 plus
658 831 João Raminhos Block numbers 423 plus
659 820 Kent Automatically remove space (sent as %20 in HTML) such as when using auto dial from a web site when sent in format (XXX) XXX-XXXX 419 plus
660 842 eli show diversion number in log or just save it in .ini file 411 plus
661 814 shinsi Please support call history to be saved in external XML format. 410 plus
662 870 Vadim Add BLF functionality for shortcuts 408 plus
663 824 PaulCrossley Support for SIPS URI (From my reading, the RFCs deprecated the use of transport=tls in favour of using a SIPS URI). 406 plus
664 838 Amitabh Admin Password Control, that will support to enable or disable features like DND 406 plus
665 834 Semyon Unregister a SIP account when the system idle time exceeds the specified value. 398 plus
666 845 mc in multiple calls window "Name" of contact not appear when i call a phone or mobile number, appear only if call the number field 398 plus
667 836 Pointless What's the point in this if so many wishes including of bugs aren't sorted? 389 plus
668 837 Blueball External contact XML from web server with refresh interval 384 plus
669 841 Joshua Ertel Be able to use on my android phone in some way either thru call forwarding or thru a stand alone app. 382 plus
670 849 test Display caller number/name next to contact that is ringing like in tSIP. 367 plus
671 846 mc in Contact form, please add more size/rows to Comment editbox 354 plus
672 848 Sergey Make a small call window so you can quickly reject a call (like eyeBeam) 353 plus
673 850 Kessler Send DTMF via CLI. 346 plus
674 857 WJiang Issue to dial from Contacts(two stage): John 0016141112233,,,,,111# Lee 0016141112233,,,,,222# Right click on Lee-> call, it alwasy shows as John, not expected Lee 345 plus
675 869 Dirk Bitte die Einbindung von Google Kontakte ermöglichen. Danke 345 plus
676 851 Joshua ertel Would notify you if it the call is from a main line or using your direct extension. 338 plus
677 852 Anton Show who is speaking in conference call. Case: participant put conference on hold - everybody hears music. Need to see who is speaking to kick from conference. 330 plus
678 879 Eisvogel For my voice recognition I need the option to use the “Call/Contacts/Calls” buttons with e.g. Ctrl+... 325 plus
679 853 Anton Add DHCP option 120 to automatically configure the SIP server and domain 320 plus
680 856 Paul Can you please release a M1 MacOS Version? Thanks a lot. 304 plus
681 864 chong how to share directory to all user? 300 plus
682 858 dws Microsip can send a post/get request to the URL to obtain the configuration information required for SIP account registration. 293 plus
683 860 Alvaro Icon to end/dismiss the call in the system tray whene you start/recieve a call 286 plus
684 874 Anonymous Add IPv6 support, IPv4 is deprecated. 286 plus
685 859 Aniket Give a dropdown to select the Caller ID (from number/which caller ID to use for the call) on top of the Dial Pad 285 plus
686 855 Michael Auto-Redial on busy Button. Parameters: wait time / # of attempts (or infinite) / silent redial (audio off until not busy) // indicators: attempt # (i.e. 5/∞, 6/25) / count down til next attempt 279 plus
687 861 Jackson PDB Symbol files for release builds 279 plus
688 872 Asli Busy on busy 278 plus
689 862 Richard Wilson Microsip - Service not available - any ideas for a fix 272 plus
690 863 Gabriel Miranda installation for multi users on windows 268 plus
691 878 SJ Add an option in the microsip.ini settings file to disable the call popup window. This might be helpful if you want audio only notifications. 268 plus
692 868 Oracle +201002398397 CallerID copy in clipboard when answer 266 plus
693 854 post-factum codec2 support: a low-bitrate speech audio codec with a bit rate of 3200 to 700 bit/s. 264 plus
694 877 Vedran multiple sip accounts active 261 plus
695 876 Mike An option to customize a shortcut for ''DND'' - such as ctrl+k for example 251 plus
696 865 cross 改进SIP框架结构使界面更完美 245 plus
697 875 T-Dog Wish for implementation for cardDAV support and automated syncing of cardDAV addressbooks (even for the portable version) to not rely on a manual sync or half-automaded sync via extension/addon 245 plus
698 867 DYLAN When we calling somebody three times . she receives three different numbers. it's not good 241 plus
699 883 aizenfinalboss More shortcuts, like M for Mute microphone, S for Mute speakers H for Hold etc. 239 plus
700 888 Tiago Can you please make an ARM version? 229 plus
701 873 Oskar Egilsson Add support for extended RTP headers compliant to ED137, for radio communication. This includes PressToTalk (PTT) and Squlech (SQ) information. Will require a additional user interface to send/indicate PTT and SQ 228 plus
702 885 Kerem Demir open a URL when there is an incoming call. Example www.example.com/contact.ph?number=31523234 219 plus
703 882 shravan Add Sip Port Support. 216 plus
704 881 Tom Feedback to Microsoft Teams to register user status if MicroSIP has an active call, teams status shows as busy (I have seen similar in other softphones) however not sure how possible this is. Would be a "nice to have" feature. 214 plus
705 880 Juan Romero Hello, it would be great to have multiple SIP accounts connected simultaneously. 209 plus
706 884 Olgierd Android and iOS app 192 plus
707 886 Brad T Underwood Send Text feature or add-on to the primary tool. I hate switching back and forth from the Microsip tool to go send a text message on my cell phone... its a waste of time and good opportunity to expand your product offerings 179 plus
708 887 Hakens Button in settings for disable: "start the softphone only on a main monitor" - I want always start on second monitor - all new updates after this one(3.21.3) are useless for me :( 169 plus
709 889 Keith Set the default speaker and microphone to the systems "Communication device". Every time I work in the office it resets to "Default" and people's audio goes through my speakers and not my headset. 159 plus
710 892 Anastasiei Robert posibility to use TLS on local account 148 plus
711 894 Fer Importar contactos de Outlook y crear una App para el móvil. 139 plus
712 897 pHqghUme 1-1)) OR 830=(SELECT 830 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- 123 plus
713 895 ophir pickup code for the shortcut BLFs, maybe instead the toggle? 117 plus
714 893 HALUCAS_202 Converts a message to a voice and makes a call to notify the user 113 plus
715 891 Rafael 358 479 Tekin Remote Number (ANI) hide option when call handle. could not see ANI number. 111 plus
716 890 user Install machine wide with per-user settings. 108 plus
717 896 Stefan C MicroSIP software with my Jabra Engage 75 headset and am looking for a way to have the buttons on the headset for answering and ending calls supported. Is there a paid version of MicroSIP that can do this? One that works with Jabra’s software, Jabra Di 107 plus
718 902 Samy Add on the command line the conference option like /conference:number 101 plus
719 900 workae228 Сделайте чтобы в разделе вызовы было видно с какой телефонии звонили 98 plus
720 906 PeterG Create groups in contacts. Allow to only see the selected group in contacts. 97 plus
721 904 Omar Muñoz The BLF (presence) starts to connect to asterisk only if the user presses the contact list tab. Due to the constant and simultaneity BLF connections from Microsip to Asterisk, the last one crashes when having more than 300 contacts. 96 plus
722 898 goppi Fix for DNS SRV resolution to also work with system DNS severs (DHCP). Currently you cannot set check box "DNS SRV" without specifying nameserver IP addresses. 93 plus
723 901 samuel Make that the SIP Application, when the incoming call gets accepted manually or automatically, it adds on a conference another number added on the settings app, It will be useful for homelab sip servers. 90 plus
724 899 k barnard For sdp, have the option to use a single "c=" field at the session level , instead of/as well as "c=" fields in each media description ( ref rfc4566, section 5.7 ) 87 plus
725 908 Daniel Please Dark Mode. 87 plus
726 905 Jan Please add a volume control for “Sound Events” in the “Settings” menu. During dialing the sound is 10 times louder than the answer of the telephone exchange. It is not comfortable to call. I have to turn off “Sound Events” completely. 86 plus
727 903 MMA Save numbers for missed calls to call them back. If you are on the phone with someone and someone else calls you during the call, you can no longer see their number to call them. 83 plus
728 919 Marco The sorting in the contacts list would be better if special characters like `äöü` and more in many languages should be considered in ordering (e.g. "aa" before "äb" before "ac"). Thank you! 81 plus
729 918 Marco The sorting in the contacts list would be better if it were case insensitive (expected: "ddd" before "ZZZ"; today wrong order). Thank you! 77 plus
730 907 PaulH Abllity to delete/remove SIP accounts 75 plus
731 920 Chet S. Allow presence subscription and dialed number to be separate. For example, extension 1234 is the dialable number but auto_hint_1234 is the subscription generated by the PBX. 75 plus
732 916 Yu It looks like number 323 444 by Youri (Opus bitrate) can also be checked off! Thanks for providing this useful application! 73 plus
733 912 Nick Please reduce the volume of the beeps. The answer is always much quieter than the beeps. You can lose your hearing over the years of work. 72 plus
734 910 naris I wish MicroSIP would provide support for other H.264 profiles than the "baseline", for example "main" 67 plus
735 913 Israel allow sip notify message to phone for answer and hangup so we can send a notify message from a crm to answer a incoming call and hangup 66 plus
736 909 Roman Call to 911 when i press windows help button. 63 plus
737 911 YU Stop playing DTMF tones when the next button is pressed, and play the next DTMF tones immediately.(Rather than just finish playing every one of them one after another) 61 plus
738 926 pHqghUme 555-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 60 plus
739 936 pHqghUme 555Fwa2Ct4O')) OR 265=(SELECT 265 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- 60 plus
740 934 pHqghUme 555-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 58 plus
741 925 pHqghUme 555-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 56 plus
742 931 pHqghUme 13rKUmbx3'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 55 plus
743 914 Yu Great choice of codecs! I can even use G.722 and Opus with some of my providers in Canada and Europe. Other providers only know G.711, so it would be useful if one could enable specific codecs separately in each account. Thanks! 54 plus
744 929 pHqghUme 1*if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) 51 plus
745 938 Grzegorz Outlook Calendar Integration 50 plus
746 932 @@RM43p 1-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 48 plus
747 935 pHqghUme 555-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 48 plus
748 915 Yu Number 275 372 (indicator that shows which codec is being used during a call) can be checked off since you have implemented that. Many thanks! 47 plus
749 937 Оля Просмотр количества звонков за 12 ч, 24 часа за неделю, за месяц 47 plus
750 917 Danny Create integrations for Microsoft Teams - Amazon Connect 46 plus
751 930 pHqghUme 1-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 46 plus
752 927 pHqghUme 555Kw1MoIjc'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- 44 plus
753 928 pHqghUme 555-1)) OR 648=(SELECT 648 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- 43 plus
754 933 Achim Je nach Situation benutze ich verschiedene Voice-Geräte. Headset, Lautsprecher oder Jabra Konferenzmikro. Ein Schalter auf der Haupseite oder im Pull-Down-Menu wäre schön! 43 plus
755 939 Adam Balko Availability icon on shortcuts buttons too. Will be more comfortable before forwarding calls to coworkers. 41 plus
756 924 Claudio Mute the ringtone while calling (listening to ringing while waiting for an answer is frustrating) and re-enable sound when the other person answers. 40 plus
757 940 Ruslan Emojis support in contact name 35 plus
758 118 Marco DNS SRV resolution for SIP domain 4129 done
759 15 JGR Multiple SIP accounts 3910 done
760 67 Sega Search within the Contacts (by starting to type the name and the results gradually decrease as one proceeds with typing the name). 3778 done
761 318 Pietro DTMF using SIP INFO method 3110 done
762 56 Beat We. Contacts: Vertical Scrollbar (instead of horizontal bar) 3075 done
763 54 Beat We. Separate contacts.ini or contacts.xml file 2582 done
764 34 tester volumen bar to up/down and Mute the sound of speaker and microphone when we are in conversation 1346 done
765 41 oondraa option to load google contacts 1025 done
766 51 Chris Cox Option to register with Windows as default handler for RFC3966 href="tel:" links. 918 done
767 98 Pilou42 Encrypt password. No password at all should appear in plain text, neither in GUI settings or .ini file. 777 done
768 109 Dan Opus codec support 755 done
769 75 Rachel Direct P2P calls ; IP to IP calls ; In case there is a server outage etc. http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Documentation#Calling_IP_to_IP_directly ; http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Peer_to_Peer 744 done
770 188 Alex Please add support for the Opus Codec. 730 done
771 72 Iron run extern script or aplication on answer and send callerID to the script
727 done
772 71 misus accelerated video decoding DXVA for both vga cards Nvidia & ATI 718 done
773 81 noname Support (if installed) for an option to associate MicroSIP with sip: hyper-links - 'Click to Call'. 692 done
774 68 marduk make resizable windows and add minimize, maximize and restore buttons (all windows, chat, video, contacts...), do normal windows please 654 done
775 116 Giuseppe Hold button in Single Call Mode 648 done
776 104 Simon Handle URIs so can click on SIP:xxx links to initiate dialling. 586 done
777 137 Jonathan Fuentes I would love it if you added a Mute Mic button. 578 done
778 107 Jay Ability to use dialpad when in a call (i.e. navigating IVR) 563 done
779 121 Shaun Setting in account to make registration optional (i.e. use only for outbound calls). Some providers only allow 1 client to be connected via SIP. So useful to have hard phone registered for in/out and soft phones on PC's set to out only.
For this leave SIP server field empty.
554 done
780 108 Yann Resising of the main window. The main window cannot be resised For example when in "calls" menu you need to use the slider whereas there is plenty of space on my PC screen ;) Alternative solution would be to make it larger so the list in contact would 543 done
781 110 x-link Current call duration counter(Digital clock) is essential. 542 done
782 192 Denis Do not record position and size of the window changes in a .ini file at the time of the change. This gives a great load on the disk and slows down the rendering. Save settings on close/minimize the application.
This problem was fixed. Let us know if problem still exists.
542 done
783 14 Cory Call History, including date/time for received, outgoing, and missed calls. 529 done
784 120 Roberto The contact list could show who is busy
MicroSIP supports this. Configure your SIP server.
529 done
785 114 Alex --> bigger window PS: I can't end a call
This happend when account configured incorrectly.
526 done
786 159 salaros MicroSIP is not integrated with Windows 7/8 taskbar. It's not possible to restore a minimized instance by clicking on a pinned MicroSIP icon. When you finally restore it from the tray icon a new non-pinable icon appears (total: 2 icons). 518 done
787 148 Yann Ringing on an other audio device: When you are away from your desk (like in the other room) you can t hear the ring coming out of your headset. Therefore I have a second audio output I could use to have the ring of the phone. (xlite does offer such poss 516 done
788 142 Shafiq the close button must minimize to tray. and minimize button must minimize on task bar. 508 done
789 140 James Add version number (and Publisher) information to the windows installer config. See here: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5778/microsip.png 503 done
790 128 Dmitry additional to CmdIncomingCall, add CmdAnswerCall and CmdDisconnectCall
502 done
791 157 bruno Store the settings into the profiles of the user, so it become available when using roaming profiles
494 done
792 155 LWC Speakerphone! That is, a speakerphone button that would use a different sound device than the regular one (i.e. headphones). Just like Nonoh's client has: http://img263.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=23909_nonoh_122_509lo.jpg 477 done
793 179 Knut Please add G.711 μ-law and G.711 A-law. They are preferred by many VoIP providers, and without them the call quality is much worse using G.729 or GSM instead as they don't support the high bandwidth codecs.
PCMA and PCMU are the same
468 done
794 164 bago Use default input/output device if the selected one is not available. Back to the selected as soon as it is available. I use USB headset and they are not always connected (as they are on the docking station) and I have to restart MicroSIP each time. 467 done
795 198 Dallas a way to transfer calls 465 done
796 163 Giles X widget - Close to System Tray (does not exit program), to exit program use right click system tray icon. (I often shutdown MicroSIP by mistake, but I want it running all the time). 446 done
797 181 Knut Selected "Ring device" should perhaps apply only to incoming calls? Unnecessary for PC speakers to play sound when I call out with headphones, especially in an office environment. 446 done
798 190 Guy Provide means of clearing the dialled numbers list, everything or individual entries 445 done
799 182 Alex To have the PAUSE button when calling external gateways. Like Nokia phones if you know them... Cheers, great product!! 440 done
800 168 Christian Ignore incoming calls: Instead of 'declining' calls (which might be considered rude), just ignore them. Mute the ringing and wait until the caller hangs up by himself. 427 done
801 209 H Br Attended call transfer. At present only blind transfer is supported. Thanks! 424 done
802 199 Paul Don't crash a virgin media router when attempting to make a call. Consistent bug with microsip or the modem - but other soft phones work fine :( 409 done
803 207 Igor Lately with cheapvoipinc not working anymore. Possible the timeout is too short. Would be nice if would be adjustable. 388 done
804 222 WGRichie01 first off I love this application the small footprint is great would love to be able to have 2 extensions from the same PBX connection, I currently provide helpdesk support also and find I have to use 2 applications or manually switch resetting the login 386 done
805 226 Aliby Attended Transfer: Many hosted SIP protocols will not support Blind Transfer as there is a handover event that most softphones see as an answer on the tranfer line and then drops the call. 385 done
806 212 Lars A option to completly disable the video feature so those video popup windows dont appear everytime a call is recived. 363 done
807 6 Admin video calls 358 done
808 213 Guillaume Option to have the window minimize normally. I have the program pin to my taskbar with windows 7, but when the window minimize, it goes only to the task icon and clicking on the taskbar starts a second conflicting instance. 356 done
809 230 YAGrand Hello. When an incoming call, the pop-up window not shows the name and number of the caller. Even if the caller is in the contact list. Thank you for MicroSip PS Russian language. 323 done
810 257 jaime option to transfer the call to another SIP user inside the same Domain 302 done
811 243 Alex I am blind and so I am a screenreader user. When I launch Microsip it starts with the three main tabs, there is no way to get into the window, where I can find the call edit field and the keys for sending DTMF. I'd like to have the ability to klick on the 294 done
812 261 Nuri UTF-8 support in messages. 266 done
813 281 Greg Allow program to handle CALLTO and TEL protocol in browsers. 258 done
814 44 tester option to enable/disable "dump activity log file", in order to save cpu use and disk accesses 246 done
815 13 Urlich Missed calls log 236 done
816 296 Bago Display contact names in the call log tab, for registered contacts, not their numbers. 222 done
817 28 saravak Command switches to start it from a script and call a number!
Usage: "microsip.exe number"
206 done
818 16 JGR Option to select audio hardware for input/output 197 done
819 311 Dink Chrome extension/handler for tel: and sip: (Click to call) 194 done
820 317 RE: Rachel Direct P2P calls ; See Ring (was SFLphone); P2P calls by IP or OpenDHT http://ring.cx/en/news#at-the-heart-of-ring-opendht-a-distributed-hash-table 191 done
821 324 KJ Conferencing 170 done
822 32 tester on incoming calls it rings only 1 time, please keep ringing continuously until call is answered 161 done
823 25 Steve Option for enabling / prioritizing voice codec ? Currently, I am trying to make calls to a polycom phone which supports HD voice. If the Polycom originates the call, 722 is selected. If Microcosip initiates the call, PCM-uLaw is selected. The SDP conta 147 done
824 69 Vartan Separate buttons for 'End' and 'Call'. Currently if you are about to press 'End' and the other party hangs up, your 'End' button becomes 'Call' and you end up ringing them again. 144 done
825 399 Stu Higher bit rates for OPUS Codec. 64kbs or 128kbs would be nice. 142 done
826 21 Mark hold feature 141 done
827 22 Mark transfer call feature 133 done
828 323 Rus2lan Not direct transfer, but allow make call and speak with other number before transfer. Like Number A Hold->Call to B, Speak, hangup-> Number A speak with number B. 133 done
829 335 Jorg I am really looking for an option to do a warm transfer. So i can speak to the party first before i transfer the line. 92 done
830 339 Michele Trying to report an issue but there is no MX record for microsip.org. Thanks!
MX are not mandatory. As per RFC2821, if no MX is found the A record will be used.
82 done
831 63 microsip4ever ringing on different audio device and/or ringing on pc speaker. bloatware x-lite for example can ring on pc speaker under xp. 64 done
832 445 Youri January 2020: the setting for Opus, "maxaveragebitrate=20000" means 8kHz mono bandwidth only, and G.722 sounds better. 50000 would make MicroSIP sound as good as PhonerLite! ;) Thanks! 53 done
833 343 Luke Choose local port instead of "5060" default. Like in version 3.10.5 48 done
834 7 TLS support Please integrate TLS support like CSipSimple 35 done
835 5 Admin instant messaging 27 done
836 35 tester information about codecs and bandwidth in use, for example: "in:G711-64k _ out:GSM-13k" in a status bar, or title bar 23 done
837 11 Pieter DTMF tones while dialling (for wading though call centre menus) 22 done
838 91 Knut Set bitrate for and fine tune video. I've tested h.264 between 2 microsip clients and compared it with 2 Express Talk clients which uses h.263, and Express Talk's video has far better quality over the same lines. 21 done
839 10 Afshin sip proxy 14 done
840 8 Pieter The ability to edit contacts, rather than just add or delete 12 done
841 1 Pieter It would be nice to be able to choose your own sounds from MP3 or WAV 9 done
842 2 Steve option for putting it into an "AUTO-ANSWER" mode 7 done
843 70 Knut In the current version one must use the mouse to use the dialpad. It would be nice to be able to dial with the numeric keys on the computer keyboard. 4 done
844 26 JT Configuration of outgoing port other than 5060 - or at least use another one when the 5060 is occupied by another application (like the Windows Communicator). 2 done
845 31 Guyaume B. Parenteau Automatically removed dash when we enter phone number :) 2 done
846 17 Vineet call without a regsitar or proxy i.e. only endpoints 1 done
847 19 Victor Choose IP address to bind to (and use in SIP messages). 1 done
848 85 w2k Compatible with previous OS, such as windows2000, win98. 706 declined
849 89 RE: Nito Please look: """ Able to have multiple plataform windowsmobile, iphone, android, blackberry """ You can search for Zoiper or Linphone too 657 declined
850 88 Nito An iOS, WP7.5 - 8, and Android App. 626 declined
851 115 amix ActiveX component (scriptable via Windows Script Host). Could place call from other app, could execute programs on local side when called, etc. 510 declined
852 146 noezmeg Symbian apps would be great to support a platform independent. 496 declined
853 225 Chris SIP SDK for Windows phone 8/8.1 would be greatly appreciated especially if it is simple and easy to use with the same functionality of this program. 334 declined

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